#海外NEWS | Page 3 of 4 | 東京トレンドニュース速報



#KanyeWest ‘instructs wife #BiancaCensori to never speak again’ as rapper sets ‘strict rules for her to obey’

Kanye West 'instructs wife Bianca Censori to never speak again' as rapper sets 'strict rules for her to obey'byu/HappyHa...

#ArianaGrande has settled her divorce with #DaltonGomez, paying him over 1 million dollars

Ariana Grande has settled her divorce with Dalton Gomez, paying him over 1 million dollarsbyu/Impossible_Usual_277 inFau...

[#reddit] ‘#MeanGirls’ Reunion! #LindsayLohan, #AmandaSeyfried and #LaceyChabert Spotted Filming Secret Project

'Mean Girls' Reunion! Lindsay Lohan, Amanda Seyfried and Lacey Chabert Spotted Filming Secret Project submitted by /u/ga...

[#reddit] Hollywood peaked with The #AddamsFamily movies from the 90’s

Hollywood peaked with The Addams Family movies from the 90's submitted by /u/plutotvofficial TOKYO TREND BREAKING NEWSJA...

[#reddit] #GigiHadid & #BradleyCooper Spotted on Dinner Date in NYC

Gigi Hadid & Bradley Cooper Spotted on Dinner Date in NYC submitted by /u/Glum-Freedom-3029 TOKYO TREND BREAKING NEWSJAP...

[#reddit] #LucaGuadagnino reveals that his Audrey Hepburn biopic, starring Rooney Mara, is no longer in the works.

Luca Guadagnino reveals that his Audrey Hepburn biopic, starring Rooney Mara, is no longer in the works. submitted by /u...

[#reddit] Fashion Highlight: #KatyPerry on stage

Fashion Highlight: Katy Perry on stage submitted by /u/Rude_Lifeguard TOKYO TREND BREAKING NEWSJAPAN NEWS SITEtokyotrend...

[#reddit] Remember #Rihanna and # LeonardoDiCaprio? I still want to know what happened there.

Remember Rihanna and Leonardo DiCaprio? I still want to know what happened there. submitted by /u/kayjewels9823 TOKYO TR...

【KPOP】#8TURN – Fighting (orig. #SEVENTEEN BSS feat. #LeeYoungji) @ KCON Saudi Arabia 2023 (231006)

8TURN - Fighting (orig. SEVENTEEN BSS feat. Lee Youngji) @ KCON Saudi Arabia 2023 (231006) submitted by /u/113074 TOKYO ...

[#reddit] #SydneySweeney is one of the only celebrities that actually uses the phone brand they’re partnered with (Samsung Z Flip 5).

Sydney Sweeney is one of the only celebrities that actually uses the phone brand they're partnered with (Samsung Z Flip ...

【#KPOP】#Super Junior-D&E – B.A.D + Danger + ‘Bout You + Oppa, Oppa @ KCON Saudi Arabia 2023 (231006)

Super Junior-D&E - B.A.D + Danger + 'Bout You + Oppa, Oppa @ KCON Saudi Arabia 2023 (231006) submitted by /u/113074 TOKY...

[#reddit] Celebs you find weirdly attractive but can’t place why?

Celebs you find weirdly attractive but can't place why? For me: Jeremy Allen White. Natalie Dormer. Matt Smith (no eyebr...

[#reddit] #DojaCat poses for a selfie wearing a shirt with neo Nazi Sam Hyde on it.

Doja Cat poses for a selfie wearing a shirt with neo Nazi Sam Hyde on it. submitted by /u/msksksnsj TOKYO TREND BREAKING...

[#reddit] couples fashion highlight: #rihanna & #rocky

couples fashion highlight: rihanna & rocky submitted by /u/Classic_Broccoli_163 TOKYO TREND BREAKING NEWSJAPAN NEWS SITE...

[#reddit] Devon Aoki in the recent Moschino Toy 2 Pearl perfume campaign. She was also the face for the original Toy 2 perfume. Stella Maxwell was the face for Toy 2 Bubblegum and Johna Burjack for Toy Boy

Devon Aoki in the recent Moschino Toy 2 Pearl perfume campaign. She was also the face for the original Toy 2 perfume. St...

[#reddit] #SufjanStevens Dedicates New Album, Javelin, to Late Partner Evans Richardson IV

Sufjan Stevens Dedicates New Album, Javelin, to Late Partner Evans Richardson IV submitted by /u/impeccabletim TOKYO TRE...

#NataliePortman got pretty swole for her Thor role

Natalie Portman got pretty swole for her Thor rolebyu/karateema inmarvelstudios

#BryanFuller, Creator of Shows ‘Hannibal’ and ‘American Gods,’ Accused of Sexual Harassment

Bryan Fuller, Creator of Shows 'Hannibal' and 'American Gods,' Accused of Sexual Harassmentbyu/afrontpraecipitium inFaux...

#Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sources

Trump allegedly discussed US nuclear subs with foreign national after leaving White House: Sourcesbyu/gerwer innews

Hi, I’m Keanu Reeves, AMA

Hi, I’m Keanu Reeves, AMAbyu/lionsgate inmovies

Iggy Azalea: I was not allowed to finish Saudi Arabia show after pants split

Iggy Azalea: I was not allowed to finish Saudi Arabia show after pants splitbyu/HappyHarryHardOn inentertainment

LeBron’s reaction to being the oldest player in the NBA

LeBron's reaction to being the oldest player in the NBAbyu/JetGan innba

Kim Kardashian portrait by me 🙌🙏🖌️

Kim Kardashian portrait by me 🙌🙏🖌️ byu/portraits246 inpainting

#完全無人タクシー が女性をひいて体の上に停車 米サンフランシスコ (#GMクルーズ)

1: 少考さん ★ 完全無人タクシーが女性をひいて体の上に停車 米サンフランシスコ:朝日新聞有料記事サンフランシスコ=五十嵐大介 2023年10月4日 10時58分米サンフランシスコ中心部で2日夜、米ゼネラル・モーターズ(GM)傘下のクルー...

米下院、#マッカーシー議長 を解任 史上初、共和内紛が引き金

1: 蚤の市 ★  【ワシントン時事】米連邦議会下院は3日、共和党の強硬右派が提出したマッカーシー議長(共和)の解任動議を賛成多数で可決した。米メディアによると、下院議長の解任は史上初。多数派共和党の「内輪もめ」を発端とする下院の機能不全は...


1: 湛然 ★ U2、総工費約3,400億円のラスベガスの球体型新会場「スフィア」でのこけら落とし公演を実施Published on 9月 30, 2023 uDiscoverMusicPhoto credit_RICH FURYアメリカ現...

【音楽】過激すぎてお蔵入りした1989年の #マドンナ 出演 #ペプシCM ペプシ誕生125周年記念で公開へ

1: 湛然 ★ 過激すぎてお蔵入りした1989年のマドンナ出演ペプシCM ペプシ誕生125周年記念で公開へ 日刊スポーツ1989年にお蔵入りしたマドンナが出演するペプシのテレビコマーシャルが、34年ぶりに解禁されて話題になっている。12日に...

【野球】#大谷翔平 近日中に2度目の右肘手術へ、術式は不明 ミナシアンGM「彼は特別な男、特別な選手」

1: 征夷大将軍 ★ スポニチ2023年9月17日 06:01エンゼルスのペリー・ミナシアンGM(43)が16日(日本時間17日)、エンゼルスタジアムで会見。この日、10日間のIL(負傷者リスト)に入り、今季を終了することが決まった大谷翔平...


1: 鉄チーズ烏 ★ 9/16(土) 14:49配信 読売新聞オンライン【アナハイム(米カリフォルニア州)=帯津智昭】米大リーグ・エンゼルスの大谷翔平(29)が、残り試合を欠場し、今季を終える可能性が高まった。15日(日本時間16日)に行わ...


1: はな ★ 「服を着て...」マドンナ娘、ショーで「大事な部分を解放」...ネットには「なんてポーズだ」の声も2023年9月13日(水)15時50分 ニューズウィーク<マドンナの娘、ローデス・レオンがヴィクトリアズ・シークレットのショー...