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【 Thinking of becoming a dodger fan . Pros and cons】


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I’ve lived in the greatest city in the country for 7 years or so . I’m originally from the Bay Area and was a giants fan but I sort of lost interest in them after 2018 or so . Anyways I always loved LA and seperate from the dodgers I never understood all the hate towards Southern California/ LA. I made it a goal later on in life to move here and I did in 2017. I just love this city because it’s so unique and so diverse and it’s never boring unless you talk about the valley lol . But My colleagues at work are of course mostly dodger fans and they keep track of their moves etc . I tried to be an angels fan but they are boring and uninspiring and of course they aren’t in LA. I’m thinking of becoming a dodger fan but can I be an “ independent dodger fan “ meaning not always agree with other fans , roberts etc ? There are a few reasons I might sign with the blue fanbase. When I was in San Diego visiting, people asked me where I lived and I said “LA”, and people down there seemed to love trash talking not the dodgers but LA which I saw as jealousy because I like San Diego but it’s not LA. Also back home even as a giants fan I thought sometimes the hate would go to far , just as what those goons did to Bryan Stowe was awful and inexcusable. I also love repping Hollywood, east LA, Glendale, Burbank, Santa Monica , van nuys , west adams etc .

Pros being a dodger fan : The LA cap is just so iconic and so very synonymous with Los Angeles , Southern California , California in general ,Hollywood, sunshine, Vin scully , la street sign colors .

LA is so diverse that the Armenians in Glendale can wear the la cap , as well as Latinos , blacks , Jews , Asians . The dodgers are international and particularly in the 90s with Valdez, park , Mondesi, Nomo etc .

They fight so hard every year and they are a classy organization, the best trainers , health plans for the players , yes they are a big market team and the team right now but throughout most of the dodgers time they have been focused on talent from their farm system .

Wearing the dodger cap in LA feels perfect , but wearing it out of town Sf, sd , Chicago , Miami it stands out as “ Los Angeles Dodgers “ best organization.

I wasn’t alive in 1988 but it was just such a great underdog story and it makes me believe good things can happen with me , I sufffer from depression and sometimes I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to confidence,but like the 1988 dodgers I get my confidence and feel I can have success.


Please don’t kill me for these comments . I think one of the few problems is the dodger fanbase gets stereotyped and while I believe “ real dodger fans” are knowledgeable, know the game etc . There are many dodger fans who can’t give any credit to the other team if they lose . With the exception of David Vassegh I find most of the mainstream LA sports radio to be completely blinded and just being pro dodgers without really explaining why ? I find sometimes they make excuses for certain plays . I much prefer dodger fan podcasts which are still pro dodgers but realistic and not completely one sided.

I think the ghetto association with the dodgers is a negative. As I said earlier it’s a good thing most angelinos can unite behind the dodgers but I don’t like how some gangs wear Dodger caps and do signs that give dodger fans a bad name . I don’t like how some dodger fans need to get violent in the stands both with other dodger fans and opposing teams fans . Every team minus the rays or Oakland has this problem but I feel like it is very present at dodger stadium. We can all tease each other but violence is not okay and I would expect real dodger fans to condemn violence against that giants fan no matter what . Not saying he was an angels at all but you don’t beat a man to the edge of his life . It’s just a game at the end of the day .

In the 90s I secretly liked Mike piazza growing up in the Bay Area. I always thought he looked cool and was a beast as a hitter , I think the dodgers made a big mistake not holding onto him , and didn’t treat him that great .

I know this is where I don’t follow the dodger party line . But I didn’t like what I read about Tommy Lasorda . I understand his views are coming from a working class Italian guy from Pennsylvania in the 30s and 40s were different than someone in modern day Los Angeles but I heard how he treated his son and disowned him for being gay . He was homophobic also to glen burke , not saying Burke was perfect but Tommy called him offensive names that I think you shouldn’t say . Tommy also made racist comments to a Korean dodger fan , he also said something about republicans are the good guys – really disparaging to say that to a fanbase which most of the city is democratic . Had he said the opposite I wouldn’t have thought it was okay . Not saying he should burn in hell but I found him to be kind of objectionable as a person as great as a manager as he was.

submitted by /u/Ieatasianpussy1987
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Fans of the Los Angeles Dodgers




