ロシア - 東京トレンドニュース速報



SBU Says Russian Helicopter Facility, Radar System and More Hit in Crimea Drone Attack ロシアのヘリコプター施設のレーダーシステムに関する情報が、ウクライナの国家保安庁(SBU)から発表されました。

Russian Helicopter Facility Radar System Reportedly Hacked by Ukrainian Security ServiceIn a recent development, the Ukr...

[WORLD News]Russian aviation ‘on verge of collapse’ due to sanctions, Ukraine announces after successful hack

✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Russian aviation ‘on verge of collapse’ due to sanctions, Ukraine announces after successful hack】✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨...


1: お断り ★ 2023/09/01(金) 06:18:29.12 Former Russian general calls for nuclear strike in southern Ukraine saying Kyiv's for...