#ニュース 【芸能】ナタリー・ポートマンさん、『ブラック・スワン』振付師と離婚 【3月9日 AFP】俳優のナタリー・ポートマン(Natalie Portman)さんが、11年連れ添ったフランス人振付師のバンジャマン・ミルピエ(Benjamin Millepied)氏と離婚した。情報筋が8日、AFPに明らかにした。 2024.03.11 #ニュースJAPANNewsWORLD
#ニュース [#話題]ガザ支援物資空中投下で5人死亡、パラシュート開かず民家直撃か ガザ支援物資空中投下で5人死亡、パラシュート開かず民家直撃か 2024.03.09 #ニュース#海外NEWS#話題JAPANNewsWORLD
#ニュース [#ニュース]中国将棋の優勝者、「悪行」理由に勝利失う 性具使ったズルは否定。中国象棋協会(CXA)によると、顔氏は試合後、数杯飲んだ後にホテルのバスタブに排便し、部屋の家具を壊した。CXAは顔氏が公序良俗に反したとして、1年間の大会出場停止の処分を決めた。大会後には、監視の厳しい中国のSNSで、顔氏が性具を使って他人と意思疎通をするズルをしていた可能性があるとの話が出回った。複数の国営メディアもこれを報じた。 中国将棋協会は、優勝者である顔氏に対して処分を決定した理由について、詳細な情報を提供しています。優勝後、顔氏は数杯飲んだ後にホテルのバスタブに排便し、部屋の家具を壊したため、中国象棋協会(CXA)は公序良俗に反したとして、1年間の大会出場停... 2023.12.28 #ニュースNewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops US airstrikes hit Kataib Hezbollah sites in Iraq after attack on US troops 2023.12.27 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Ukraine war: Russia captures key town near Donetsk ロシアがドネツク近くの要所を制圧 #russiaukrainewar #Nuclear #latestnews #russiaukrainewar #Nuclear #latestnews 2023.12.27 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Illegal West Bank outpost demolished, the second in 48 hours Illegal West Bank 2023.12.27 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Hamas killed a young man who stopped an aid truck; now his family demands revenge ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Hamas killed a young man who stopped an aid truck; now his family demands revenge】Based on the incident you... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]EU foreign policy chief sees no sign Putin willing to end war in Ukraine ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 EU foreign policy chief sees no sign Putin willing to end war in Ukraine】EU Foreign Policy Chief Sees No Si... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Chipmaker Nvidia raises US$15 million for Israeli non-profits helping war-hit civilians ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Chipmaker Nvidia raises US$15 million for Israeli non-profits helping war-hit civilians】NVIDIA Raises US$15... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Bild: Russia may attempt to attack Europe next winter, European intelligence source says ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Russia's potential plans to launch an attack on Europe next winter have raised concerns among European intell... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Ukrainian Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate Christmas on 25 December for the first time this year. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Ukrainian Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate Christmas on 25 December for the first time this y... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]China’s Christian groups told to ensure ‘strict’ oversight of religion as Communist Party controls tighten ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 China’s Christian groups told to ensure ‘strict’ oversight of religion as Communist Party controls tighten】... 2023.12.25 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Police say orange swastikas had been painted by unknown perpetrators on the grave of former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt. The Social Democrat was chancellor from 1974 to 1982 and died late in 2015 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Police say orange swastikas had been painted by unknown perpetrators on the grave of former German Chancell... 2023.12.24 NewsWORLD
News [#GAZA]Palestinian death toll tops 20,000 in Israel-Hamas war, Gaza officials say ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Palestinian death toll tops 20,000 in Israel-Hamas war, Gaza officials say】According to Gaza health officia... 2023.12.23 NewsWORLD
News [#GAZA]UAE emphasizes the significance of giving discussions for a two-state peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians first priority at a meeting with Palestinian authorities in fact he United Arab Emirates is still actively advancing communication and harmony in the area. It is evident from the discussions between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Palestinian authorities that the UAE i... 2023.12.22 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin announces Operation Prosperity Guardian in Response to Houthi attacks on commercial ships. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin announces Operation Prosperity Guardian in Response to Houthi attacks ... 2023.12.22 NewsWORLD
News [#GAZA]The Emirates fulfills its promises and continues to receive the Palestinian people. The sixth batch of wounded and sick Palestinians has arrived for treatment in Abu Dhabi 🦅🌍🇵🇸🇦🇪 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 The Emirates fulfills its promises and continues to receive the Palestinian people. The sixth batch of woun... 2023.12.21 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Activists link US nonprofit to anti-LGBTQ laws in Africa. The group says it’s only promoting ‘family values’ ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Activists link US nonprofit to anti-LGBTQ laws in Africa. The group says it’s only promoting ‘family values... 2023.12.21 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Turkey Saved $2 Billion This Year by Importing Cheap Russian Oil【トルコは今年、ロシアから安価な石油を輸入することで20億ドルを節約】 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Turkey Saved $2 Billion This Year by Importing Cheap Russian Oil】Turkey has managed to save a significant a... 2023.12.21 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]US warns citizens against traveling to Afghanistan 【アメリカ合衆国国務省は、アフガニスタンへの渡航を慎重に検討するよう市民に警告】 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 US warns citizens against traveling to Afghanistan】The United States government has issued a travel advisor... 2023.12.21 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Asylum Hostel Torched As Anti-Immigrant Unrest Spirals in Ireland ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Asylum Hostel Torched As Anti-Immigrant Unrest Spirals in Ireland】In a disturbing turn of events, an asylum... 2023.12.21 NewsWORLD
News [WORLD News]Zelenskyy says he’s confident Ukraine will get more U.S. support for its war with Russia ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨【 Zelenskyy says he's confident Ukraine will get more U.S. support for its war with Russia】I'm sorry, but I w... 2023.12.20 NewsWORLD
News Gaza aid trucks stolen by gunmen and looted, as convoys start crossing from Israel I found several reports about the aid trucks being stolen and looted as convoys start crossing from Israel into Gaza. Th... 2023.12.19 NewsWORLD
News [イスラエルはガザ地区の国境に近い場所で大規模なトンネルを発見]Israel finds large tunnel adjacent to Gaza border, raising new questions about prewar intelligence #israel #hamas #gaza Israel Discovers Large Tunnel Adjacent to Gaza BorderIn a recent development, Israel has discovered a large tunnel adjac... 2023.12.18 NewsWORLD
News Argentina’s new president to appoint his rabbi as ambassador to Israel【アルゼンチンの新しい大統領が、彼のラビを外交顧問に任命する予定であるとの報道】 Argentina's new president, Javier Milei, has expressed his intention to appoint Rabbi Axel Wahnish as the country's next... 2023.12.18 NewsWORLD
News Ukraine’s Security Service launches investigation into device in ’potential’ office of Commander-in-Chief[ウクライナのセキュリティサービスは、最高司令官の事務所における装置について調査を開始] Ukraine's Security Service Investigates Potential Wiretapping Device Found in Commander-in-Chief's OfficeUkraine’s Secur... 2023.12.18 NewsWORLD
News [#GAZA]Gaza updates: Israel-Hamas War Live News Updates: World Scope News Network ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Gaza updates: Israel-Hamas War Live News Updates: World Scope News NetworkThe United Arab Emirates is activel... 2023.12.17 NewsWORLD
News Pointing to Hamas’s ‘little state’, Netanyahu touts role blocking 2-state solution【ネタニヤフ首相がハマスの「小さな国家」を指摘し、その成果を強調】 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨Rishi Sunak has addressed the pressing issue of illegal migration, warning about the potential overwhelming i... 2023.12.17 NewsWORLD
News Rishi Sunak warns of migrant threat ‘overwhelming’ European countries as UK and Italy agree to fund Tunisia plan【イギリスの財務大臣であるリシ・スナック氏が、移民問題に関して警告を発表】 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨I found some insightful information related to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's remarks on the threat of migrant ... 2023.12.17 NewsWORLD